April 19
Categories: Caring Bridge Journal
Thank you for the prayers! And for all the encouraging words. I am finally on the upswing now, though the swingin’ up is taking longer than I’d gotten used to with the last rounds. In case it’s not apparent: I’m impatient, don’t like being still, don’t like having to lay around, and I’m pretty much a weenie with physical discomfort.
I have had more trouble with nausea/vomiting and eating/drinking this round. Also, apparently SOMEONE over-prayed for my constipation issue because I’ve swung to the other extreme. 🙂 Just kidding about the over-praying thing of course! But all those factors combined to get me very dehydrated apparently. When I went in to the clinic yesterday, I was convinced I would find out I was severally anemic as well, but PRAISE GOD, my hematocrit was just fine and I didn’t need a blood transfusion to get me back on track. I was seriously so weak I also wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d had to be admitted to the hospital, so again, PRAISE GOD, I was thrilled that I felt so much better with just one liter of IV fluids. Your prayers continue to be answered.
So again, THANK YOU!
Today, I am still not as good as I usually am on my “off weeks,” but I am significantly better. I have to lay down a lot, which my perfectionist, gotta-be-productive-self rages against, but as I’ve covered before, it is good for me to have to be still. I have to lay down to stop the stomach cramping, but I am thankful that that usually works.
I am looking forward, Lord willing, to a beautiful weekend with family, celebrating the first birthday of one of my precious nephews and celebrating the most wonderful, amazing event in the history of the world, the resurrection of Christ.
I wish for all of you to have a joyful Easter full of family, friends, and celebrating with reckless abandon the VICTORY of our Lord Jesus!
Love and peace to you all!