May 11

I am still here. 🙂
I have just been disconnected from my pump today after completing Round 8 of chemotherapy.
For that reason, I am still not feeling too well, so this post will be just a quick catch-up list of info.

1. We had an wonderful, wonderful time in Disney World. The entire trip was a great gift from God – beautiful weather, I had more than enough energy, the boys were SUPER TROOPERS and loved it all, and we just had a blast. I cried several times out of sheer overwhelming joy.

2. Dr. Penley informed me Monday that my last CEA was also normal. (This means it has been normal for an entire month!) I am scheduled for another CT scan of my abdomen on FRIDAY, MAY 20th, and he said he expects it to show continued progress since my CEA has been so good. I am praying of course that it shows even more progress than he would have guessed. (NO cancer at all would be just lovely!)

3. I (and maybe Brian too) am scheduled to speak in the auditorium class at Brentwood Hills C of C, next Wednesday night, May 18th, JUST about our experience with Anna’s stillbirth. The purpose of the class as I understand it is to share our “living illustration” of God’s work in our lives. I am fairly nervous, but am trusting God that His Spirit will guide us to tell this part of the story He is writing in our lives. Although I know that the less people there, the more comfortable I will be; I also believe God has wants us to share our burdens and more importantly His triumphs in the midst of storms. I saw so clearly His presence with us throughout that whole experience, and feel compelled to share it. So I hope that if anyone reading here would benefit from hearing about our stillbirth experience, you will join us next Wednesday night at 6:30. (

That’s all I feel up to typing tonight. If we ever get our home computer fixed, I will attempt to upload pictures from Disney. 🙂

Thank you as always for caring for me.

Love to you all.

-Your Sara

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