October 20
Categories: Caring Bridge Journal
I’m not sure how I failed to mention this yesterday, but I forgot to mention that after we left Montgomery, Michelle, the kids and I headed down to the beach to spend a couple of days with Brian’s parents. I wasn’t able to enjoy it quite as much because of my face, but it is always soothing to my soul to sit by the ocean and hear the waves crashing against the shore. The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Camden spent hours riding the waves on his boogie board, and I had to go out into the water and summon him in closer twice because he had worked his way out to neck deep water. I am proud of his bravery, though it certainly makes me nervous, because our last beach trip was the one when Camden suffered the infamous huge jellyfish sting. Scott enjoyed digging in the sand, and running back and forth from the very edge of the surf screaming in delight. Thank you Coleman and Helen for a wonderful fall break get-away.
And just FYI, I am taking a high-powered oral anti-biotic for my skin. I was also given clindamycin T gel to use when the dose of anti-biotic is up.
And DeeDee – I am drinking the Genesis juice as best I can. I got 8 ounces down yesterday, shooting for 12 today. 🙂