December 5
Categories: Caring Bridge Journal
Just as our Anna was.
Yesterday’s balloon release was beautiful and moving. God took my dream and made it abundantly more.
My spirit was lifted just like those balloons. Perhaps one day soon I will come down from the clouds and somehow find the words to describe the perfection of the day. Until then, I want to share the beautiful prayer my father wrote and shared yesterday. The words were perfect, just like the day, just like our Anna.
“Dearest Heavenly Father, the Giver, Sustainer, and Exalter of life and all that is good.
The great I AM…The true and only God…
We lift our hands, hearts and hopes to you this day, in our remembrance and celebration of our children,
The ones here with us today,
and especially the ones now with You.
We beg you to come to us.
Send your Spirit, your angels, your heavenly hosts to us.
Come deep into the secret, sacred chambers of our thoughts, where we hurt, hunger and are most tender from the aches and sorrows of loss and longings.
Oh God, Layer your holy truths on our emotional scars…whisper to us those soothing words of Jesus …”Do not let your heart be troubled; do not be afraid…in my Father’s house are many mansions…it is true, let there be no doubt. I am here, and so is Anna, your precious child. You, too, are my precious child and there is a place for you here with us as well…where we can be together forever”.
Oh God Almighty, Send us Your Peace…hold us close and give us rest.
And brighten our today with the precious promises of eternal joy, wonder, energy and excitement that awaits us on the GREAT Day when we all Soar through the Heavens, meeting our Lord in the air.
Quicken our steps in childlike joyous anticipation for the day we are whisked away to the home prepared by a Loving Father for his long awaited children, with the shouting and rejoicing of angels and heavenly beings on the DAY we are reunited with those we love and long for so deeply.
Lift us up high this day Father, bless our remembrances of our children, renew our spirit, and send us soaring through the heavens…reunite us now in Faith and Hope while we wait…and keep us clothed, warm and secure in your everlasting love.
Through the perfect Son, Jesus Christ, we, the “born again”, cry out to you this day.