January 17

Afternoon, God’s favorite!

I hope you haven’t forgotten that’s what you are! Repeat after me:

I was made in the image of the most magnificent being in the universe. He created me to be unique; to move and walk in this world in a way that no one else has or can do. I am a beautiful, specifically and perfectly designed creation of the master artist. I bring Him pleasure and joy just by being.

I read this in Jesus Calling (written as if they are the direct words of Jesus): “My face is shining upon you, beaming…”

I love to think of my Father, and my Jesus, beaming at me. Oh how I want to make them proud…


Somewhere I heard the phrase: “We read to know we are not alone.” I have decided that in this season of my life I write to know I am not alone. Oh how your comments lift me up! I never feel alone.

I think of you all as my friends. As these posts write themselves in my head, I think, “Oh, I can’t wait to share this with my friend!” With you. Seriously, I will be driving down the road, have some thought that is new to me, and be very frustrated that I can’t just pull over and write up a post on caringbridge.

It really is like am holding my breath until I can find a moment to write to you…

And so my hope is that as you read, you know you are not alone. Not alone in your trials, not alone in your desperation, not alone in your victories, not alone in your comic moments, and most definitely not alone in your determined clinging to the Saviour, even when it’s by the skin of your teeth and your “head faith” must carry on though your heart feels cold.

(Not to mention not alone in your bowel issues, apparently. 🙂 )


Because this is Caringbridge, I feel obliged to report on my physical state of being and general cancer-related Stuff.

February 3rd is my next CT scan. February 6th I will receive those results.

I still feel very good. I saw a dear friend this past week who had seen me at one of my lowest points. In fact, she told me that she had cried all the way home that night, convinced she might never see me again in this life; convinced I had very little time left. At the time, I would have agreed with her. She can’t believe how much improved I am. As I said, unless you know how bad it had gotten, you can’t fully appreciate just how fantastic I am doing now.

I have the occasional liver pain: when I laugh, when I yawn, and when I inhale deeply. However, all of those are brief moments and certainly not worthy of taking pain meds.

Other than that and possibly some extra fatigue, I feel very much like before-cancer and before-pregnancy Sara. At least physically.

Also, plans are already in the works for the second annual “Walker Run, Live For Today 5K”!! Mark your calendars for April 14th!


Now, I must wax philosophically. (For those not interested in my ramblings, you’ve been warned and can close this window now.)

We read from Malachi chapter 3 on Sunday morning.

For some reason this jumped out at me:

“See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.

Yep, it happened just like God said. God sent John the Baptist, and right on his heels came Jesus. He kept His Word.


“Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Joshua 21:45

“He who is the glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind…”I Samuel 15:29


Oh, we can lie to God. Sure we can. We sing, “God will take care of you” when we worship Him in song, but do we always believe He is taking care of us?  Or we sing, “What have I to dread? What have I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms. I have blessed peace with my Lord so near…” But do you mean it?

Oh friends – I have faced them! The things I feared most! The loss of a child, a diagnosis of cancer. And I testify to this – GOD’S STRENGTH IS SUFFICIENT! His burden is light. Jesus bears my burdens, and He lightens my load. He never leaves, never forsakes, never abandons!

God CANNOT lie.

So  I cling to these promises:

“Because He loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. WITH LONG LIFE I WILL SATIFY HIM and show him my salvation. (Psalm 91:14-16)

“Love the Lord, all his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful…” (Psalm 31:23)

“Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may go well with you and that youmay enjoy long life on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:2-3)

God keeps His Word. His precious, precious Word.


And that’s my two cents for today.

(Exhale. Now I can breathe again for awhile…)



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