January 31
Categories: Caring Bridge Journal
I wanted to remind you that my CT scan is this Friday, the 3rd. As usual I will be required to fast that morning, and anyone who wants to join me in fasting and praying would be most welcome and appreciated. The scan is at 10:50, so I will be eating lunch. 🙂 It’s just a fast from breakfast.
I also want to make sure to warn you Brentwood Hills folks, in case you missed Walt’s warnings the past few Wednesday nights, that I will be “telling my story” tomorrow night in the auditorium class.
Consider yourself warned.
Actually, I’m kinda excited about it because I decided to tell our story in a little different way. So for those (few of you I’m sure) that have read every word I’ve written on here, I don’t think you’ll be bored. I’m hoping to make everyone think maybe a little differently about me, about their own lives, about God.
Things are busy but happy in the Walker household. I think we may have a budding evangelist in our household. Any preachers reading may want to seek out a member of my house for lessons in how to get people to respond. Wild man Scott, at the ripe old age of 4, performed no less than 5 baptisms last night. Unfortunately, they were all on his 6 yr old brother in the bathtub. I guess Camden had a lot of repenting to do. I was listening outside the door, and kept hearing, “[dunk], Now Camden, I baptized you. You have to praise God. You have to praise God.” (brief pause punctuated with giggling) “[dunk] Now, Camden (giggling) you have to praise God. (more giggling) Praise God.”
I got a good laugh out of all this…but then I got to thinking…
I think Scott may be on to something. His theology isn’t too far off, is it??
Here’s to a happy Tuesday. May our eyes be open to the beauty and blessings all around us, as well as the hurting and lonely.
Lord Jesus, come soon.