Savoring a song and a robin

Just a link to a song that I could sing with all my heart. I agree with every word. Thank you for sending me the link, Mom.

I have savored a laughter-filled weekend with dear friends and former roommates (sp?) from college. Thanks Ashley, Lana, Dinah, Courtney, Kat, and Amy for a wonderful time.

This means I did not savor very much sleep this weekend. So.Worth.It.

Have I thanked you for your prayers lately? Because I am ever, ever so thankful.

I pray you have a blessed week of living in the moment and finding something to let your heart sing about.

Oh, and did I tell you my robins are back? This morning I was in a potentially unsafe part of N’ville (long story) and I promise you that I looked out of the car window and a robin that looked exactly the size of my unusually large-chested robin at home was perched on the nearest fence. Amazing…

Sara Walker


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